Welcome to Georgia College & State University's School of Continuing and Professional Studies!
It's an exciting time to explore lifelong learning. If you are an employer, a professional, a student in a k-12 school district, a retiree, or you have an interest in enriching your life, we have something for you! The School of Continuing and Professional Studies is made up of six units that provide quality, educational programs to support your growth.
Continuing and Professional Education is where you will find a plethora of educational programs that will help you acquire skills to advance your knowledge or grow in your career. We are working collaboratively with the four academic colleges at Georgia College to offer online graduate-level certificate programs and non-credit certificates customized to employer needs and to help today’s workers upskill and retool for the rapidly changing job market.
Our offices of Afterschool Achievement, Academic Outreach, and Communities in Schools, provides support, resources, and educational programs to students in k-12 school districts. Students learn and strengthen their knowledge in science, technology, art, and leadership, while also receiving support services to stay in school and seek out opportunities for growth beyond the classroom.
Milledgeville's history can be explored through the programs offered by Historic Museums which oversees two National Historic Landmarks, Georgia's Old Governor's Mansion, and Andalusia, home of famed American author Flannery O’Connor. The Sallie Ellis Davis House also resides within Historic Museums and provides a historical reference through the home of a dedicated and passionate Baldwin County educator.
We have expanded Production Services and partnered with several institutions within the state to provide theatrical technical support. Georgia College students work closely with trained production professionals to learn and advance their skills in audio, video, and theatrical productions.
I encourage you to explore the journey of lifelong learning through our educational programs, professional development opportunities, and enrichment activities. You can participate as an employer, a student, an instructor, a volunteer, or a donor.
Feel free to reach out to me to learn how you can enroll, get involved, or partner with our Bobcat family. Your opportunities in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies are endless!
Go Bobcats!
Angela Criscoe, M.F.A.
Executive Director